話說今天在試驗給 MT加Plungin. 找到 MT Plugins綜合網站隨便下載了一個叫 MTTextile 的東西來裝. 後來發現這個plugin的作者不知怎麼, 居然循線過來, 留了個迴響作技術指導, 嚇了我一跳. 這真是太神奇了….
Brad Choate在測試網誌留的技術指導如下:
If you’re using the MT-Textile 2.0 beta release, try putting brackets (like this: [*text*] ) around the markers to force their application. Normally markers like *, _, etc., need to have whitespace before the opening and after the closing (or follwed with punctuation) to be recognized.