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2004年10月 4日

Durutti Column 與無政府

年過三十的另類音樂迷大概都聽過Durutti Column這個團。Durutti Column說是「團」,其實大部份時候只有一個人,吉他手Vini Reilly,錄音或作現場時,才找其他幾個的樂手幫襯。 Vini Reilly本身是個又瘦又蒼白的文弱傢伙,好像風一吹就會飄走,他的音樂也差不多就那樣病奄奄的。台灣樂迷認識他,大約都是從水晶唱片發的《Lost Romance》那卷卡帶開始。當年水晶唱片的文案形容他是「印象派吉他手」,因為他早期彈的吉他,撥弦撥得很散,好像印象派的點描法似的。 前陣子有部片叫"「二十四小時狂歡派對」":http://www.truemovie.com/2002moviedata/24HourPartyPeople.htm,劇情是關於英國80年代曼徹斯特場景和傳奇獨立廠牌Factory的故事。Durutti Column在片中出現了幾段,就是那個傻愣愣一個人在台上前對台下幾隻貓彈吉他的傢伙。而Vini Reilly本人也在片中客串一個搬運工的角色,大概不到一秒的鏡頭。 像Joy Division這個團名,當年水晶的側標譯成「喜悅分割」這種不名所以的名字。後來我們都知道了,其實它的正確譯名應該是「八三么部隊」,因為Joy Division是德國軍妓營的名稱。至於Joy Division的同門師兄弟Durutti Column名字是怎麼來的,從來沒聽人提過。水晶好像是譯成「杜綠蒂專欄」,好像很美的團名。 昨天我查西班牙內戰的歷史時才發現發現Durutti Column的來由。 二十世紀初,西班牙的無政府主義工團可說是全世界最龐大的無政府主義勢力,擁有數百萬名工人的支持。在內戰中的三方勢力分別是無政府主義國民兵、共產黨國民兵與佛朗哥法西斯政權。其中一個國民兵團名為Durruti Column,這個兵團的名字是以無政府主義國民軍首領"Buenaventura Durruti":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buenaventura_Durruti命名。1936年左右,Durruti Column有三千多名武裝國民兵,對抗佛朗哥法西斯政權與蘇聯支持的共和軍。 Vini Reilly把Durrutti Column的拼法換一換就成了他的團名Durutti Column。也就是說,正確中譯應該是「杜魯提兵團」。當然,我想樂迷都很難把Vini Reilly的文弱形象和武裝革命軍聯想在一起。

考據 | 由 jeph 發表於 2004.10. 4 06:54 PM| 引用(0)



上禮拜Vini Reilly上了BBC 6 Music的節目接受專訪
(封面是Durutti Column有史以來最醜的一張)

放在 http://www.asvn50.dsl.pipex.com/


Posted by: shihlun 發表於 2004.11.20 05:12 PM


Q: What's the origin of the name "Durutti Column" ?
A: Also discussed in the Sex & Death CD-ROM reviews and Sonora &
The Wire articles, but this from the Record Collector article:

It's worth mentioning at this stage the origin of the Durutti Column
name. On one hand, it derives from the struggle of revolutionary
anarchist Buenaventura Durruti to liberate Spain during the bloody
civil war of the 1930s. A legendary assassin and terrorist, he
fuelled a libertarian communist movement with lofty ideals and
eventually led a formidable column of 6,000 men towards Saragossa
during the summer of 1936. His aim was to liberate the city, defeat
Fascism and declare a free commune but his plan failed when the
column became entrenched just outside the city. Later he was
persuaded to go to Madrid with his men and take on Franco's Moroccan
militia. During this escapade he was shot in the back.

The second source for the title comes from the activities of the
Situationists Internationale in Strasbourg in 1966. In a grand
gesture of anarchism they papered the walls of the city with a comic
strip titled "The Return of the Durutti Column". (Note the change
of spelling of Durruti's name). Vini Reilly explains: "I was
always interested in the Situationists Internationale -- an
anarchist group in Europe who published a book with a sandpaper
cover so that it would destroy all the other books on the shelves.
In the Sixties they were very radical and through their slogans,
criticisms and ideas, wanted to change something. They used the
title 'the Return of the Durutti Column' many times in their
manifestos. So you can see that I saw the production of a very
tranquil music in 1979 as an anarchic gesture!"

Posted by: shihlun 發表於 2004.11.20 05:48 PM

原來除了無政府, durutti column 也和情境主義有點關係。

Posted by: jeph 發表於 2004.11.23 01:59 AM


Posted by: 使君子 發表於 2009.12.10 01:23 PM