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一個人不能事奉兩個主;不是惡這個,愛那個,就是重這個,輕那個。你們不能又事奉神,又事奉瑪門"路加福音16:13":http://www.o-bible.com/cgibin/ob.cgi?version=hb5&book=luk&chapter=16也有相同的經文。瑪門在這裡指的是「金錢」。基督教以這則經文來說明追求金錢,崇拜財富是背離天主的行為。 又根據Wikipedia的"解釋":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammon,Mammon是"阿拉米語":http://tw.britannica.com/MiniSite/Article/id00002104.html「財富」。到了中世紀,瑪門被魔格化為「貪婪、愛財、不義的惡魔」。無論如何,找不到任何典故提到瑪門是撒旦之子。 另外,如果你的瀏覽器是Firefox的話,可以在網址欄打入「about:mozilla」,也會出現一段和瑪門有關的文字:
And so at last the beast fell and the unbelievers rejoiced. But all was not lost, for from the ash rose a great bird. The bird gazed down upon the unbelievers and cast fire and thunder upon them. For the beast had been reborn with its strength renewed, and the followers of Mammon cowered in horror."這裡":http://wiki.moztw.org/index.php/The_Book_of_Mozilla有中譯,其中一種譯法是
其中 Fire 和 Thunder 都有放大,應該是當初的: firebird(firefox 改名前) 和現在的 thunderbird 吧
Posted by: 路人甲 發表於 2005.12. 4 09:04 AM現在是:
Mammon slept. And the beast reborn spread over the earth and its numbers grew legion. And they proclaimed the times and sacrificed crops unto the fire, with the cunning of foxes. And they built a new world in their own image as promised by the sacred words, and spoke of the beast with their children. Mammon awoke, and lo! it was naught but a follower.
來自 Mozilla 之書 11:9(第 10 版)
不只這樣,sacred words 還有隱藏聯結 http://www.mozilla.org/about/mozilla-manifesto.html
Posted by: rainfrog 發表於 2008.10.12 12:19 PM