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2005年09月 4日


譯/jeph 我二十一歲的時候,年輕又傻愣,喜歡虛張聲勢。我年紀太輕,不知道什麼事對自己比較好,也笨到對這種事漫不關心。當時我在美國東岸旅行和工作。我和朋友有一次醉醺醺地在底特律市的街頭晃蕩。 若你沒去過底特律,我跟你說,底特律是美國最糟糕的城市之一,極為可怖的地方。 十分鐘前,我看到一個不算小孩的大人,光著一隻腳,喝著小瓶子裡的威士忌,和自己的手吵架。每隔幾秒就有人走過來我們要不要買春或買藥。我是很有道德感的人,自律甚嚴,絕不花錢買春,不過,因為我很笨,所以花錢買了藥。 ...繼續閱讀 英文版 Young, Dumb & Full of Cum Part I Young, Dumb & Full of Cum Part II

史哲心 | 由 jeph 發表於 2005.09. 4 05:00 PM| 引用(0)



jeph this is a direct link to my site and all the Chinese content:
Please post it as you see fit, all the content there is your translations. Right now I am In the middle of a mix for a Polish Death Metal band, too funny. every time I hear it it makes me laugh, so very angry... why so angry?... the world needs more hugs ;)

I re-newed the domain name but the hosting package has not been ? any ideas on what is up with that?

Oh ps the site is up to about 4000 hits per month, fuck yea! thanks for all the help bro I owe you a beer. or 2 or 3 or.....

Oh yea, remember the Russian label I mentioned a while back, well they just put out the cd but did not bother to tell me or sign a license or pay etc... this fucking business!


Posted by: RH 發表於 2007.07. 2 10:28 PM


Ha, Polish death metal band? Sound very cool.
canSend me a copy when you finish it. i like to know what it is.

as for your website. check you email soon! you have to do something.

Posted by: jeph 發表於 2007.07. 3 10:47 PM

Part one of this story seems to be very popular with your readers as they have made it the most read story on my site, so I thought you may be interested in part 2 the grand finale:

thanks for all the support.


Posted by: Roughhausen 發表於 2007.09.30 01:23 PM