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Lode Runner 和 abandonware


令人懷念的早期電腦遊戲經典Lode Runner, 一九八三年由 Broderbound發行 , 台灣當時譯為"超級運動員". 非常耐玩的遊戲. 除了極多的關卡(一百多關), 使用者還可以自行製作不同關卡. 後來又出了好幾個版本, 包括 Palm版 , WindowsCE版 .
Jackson' Lode Runner Archive 是遊戲迷架的站, 資料十分豐富, 連早期IBM PC的版本都有得下載. 今天玩了一會兒, 想起小時候....^____^

另外, 發現 underdogs.org 這個老遊戲資料庫, 有一大堆老遊戲可下載. 這可能不太重要, 網站問答集裡關於"abandonware"的說明倒是值看看. 在電腦遊戲界裡, 著作權造成的結果是雙輸. 因為軟硬體不斷進步, 過時的遊戲, 版權所有者不可能再拿出來賣錢, 想要的人可能想買也買不到, 結果, 著作權法只是逼得老遊戲消失於世. underdogs 這種網站其實是遊走在法律邊緣, 供人下載的遊戲, 都是一般消費者沒興趣買, 廠商沒興趣賣, 只是讓人懷舊.

我想到另外一種abandonware , 台灣的流行老歌. 很多曲子, 版權所有人公司已倒閉或不願重發, 但樂迷想買也買不到. 最直接的例子就是卡通歌. 還有另一種情形, 翻唱東西洋歌曲的國語老歌, 在著作權法實行之後, 唱片公司要是沒把原曲版權買下來, 這些曲子也不可能再重發.

所以, 或許我們可以說, 著作權法加速了某些微觀歷史消失的速度. 若想要保存這些歷史陳跡(或許微不足道), 唯一方法, 就是違法.

80年代, 回憶 | 由 jeph 發表於 2003.06.20 05:51 AM| 引用(2)

a mess of fur 於 <N> 引用本文
文摘: N是由Metanet Software釋出的第一款FLASH遊戲作品, 完全免費, 可在PC或MAC上執行。 這款遊戲可能會讓老玩家想起超級運動員(Lode Runner), 讓你在一個充滿敵人的迷宮世界裡設法跑向終點, 這讓我...
引用時間: 2004.07. 4
a mess of fur 於 <N> 引用本文
文摘: N是由Metanet Software釋出的第一款FLASH遊戲作品, 完全免費, 可在PC或MAC上執行。 這款遊戲可能會讓老玩家想起超級運動員(Lode Runner), 讓你在一個充滿敵人的迷宮世界裡設法跑向終點, 這讓我...
引用時間: 2004.07. 4


- Daryl | 06.21.03 | 5:54 pm

F*ck! Can't play Sundog... I can't make the Atari emulator to work!!! Argh!!!

My Sundog! My Elite!

- Daryl | 06.21.03 | 6:22 pm

After finished writing about online music, this "Lode Runner" article echos the sentiment of your previous one. Many softwares are now written with people from all over the world. Linux was made with that models, so was the "demo scene" back in the early 90's.

People wrote "demo" programs. Mostly it was just sound and graphics. It was a coders showcase of your ability to "hack" codes. Most of those "demo" programs were written with one person in Finland, another person in Germany, and the other in France. For reasons unknown, those programs were tended from North European countries.

One of those demo group, The Future crew, went on to become Remedy Software. Their most famous game is called "Max Payne." The Remedy software also has a subsidiary called www.futuremark.com They were once called MadOnion.com that did PC Benchmarks.

Check out www.futuremark.com. You can understand what "demo" is about.

- jeph | 06.21.03 | 9:47 pm

OH! I heard them before! they are really amazing!!

Posted by: from upsaid 發表於 2003.07. 6 12:09 PM

我之前也有找過Jackson' Lode Runner Archive


但有點感傷的是 資料很久沒更新了


PS/SS版的lode runner是我玩過最好玩的一版..


不知道那個the legend returns 有支援windows XP的版本有沒有出2代

當初PS都有出2代... 關卡有不同

如果買得到 我一定殺下來..

Posted by: Eggstheticism 發表於 2006.12. 4 06:10 AM


Posted by: jeph 發表於 2006.12. 4 09:59 PM